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How Does a Portrait Photographer Succeed his Photos?

Definition of a Portrait Photographer

The portrait is one of the most used and most requested discipline by photographers. But if you have a certain requirement and you want to achieve quality portraits and unique, we will quickly understand that portrait photography is a little more complicated than waiting for a smile and trigger. A portrait photographer must keep several details in a consideration before making a good portrait. Let’s see what you need to know and feel for a good portrait.

Techniques of Portrait Photography

A portrait is technically complex to make, especially when it comes to a black and white portrait. It is necessary to highlight your subject, choose the right background, a good lighting and especially to choose what is best with your client.

A portrait photographer must absolutely focus on the eyes. We really tend to multiply the effect of a portrait, and I tend to think so.

Personally, I like very tight portraits, focuses on facial details and facial expressions.

This is the depth of champion, you have to reduce to isolate your subject from back plane, depends on the effect you are looking for.
A beautiful light is also very important for portrait photography: I like to play with the ambient light but also with the light of the studio to have a more creative effect.
For outdoor shooting photos, a strong sun causes a little harsh shadows that can be with the face. This is not necessarily crippling, but we must be careful. On the contrary, a slightly veiled sun can diffuse the light and soften the shadows.

Hamza Mejri – Portrait Photographer – Montreal

Hamza Mejri- Photographe de portrait , Montreal

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